Driven By Hope

There are 14.4 million cancer survivors in the United States1.  That’s a BIG number!  But, some may ask, “How many people died of cancer?”  Well, as one vehicle donor recently told me, “you can focus on the gloom, or the hope” and we’re focusing on the HOPE.  After all, it’s why we’re in the business

Market & Metals

Scrap Metal Market Watch: September 2015

Scrap Metal Market Trends Scrap metal prices for crushed auto bodies continues to increase. We’ve seen a increase of 6.23% over the past month, a decline of 45.58% over the past year, and a decline of 48.85% over the past two years. Chart | Scrap Metal Market Trends

Metals Tumble Following Greece, China Announcements

Greece Vote Against Austerity Measures Prices of copper and nickel dropped 4.2% and 3.3%1, respectively, following news of Greece’s vote against austerity measures and recent moves by China to prevent a stock-market collapse. The resounding “no” vote in Greece has signaled a potential exit from the euro, prompting market speculators to predict a significant slowdown

Say “Thanks” for Your Freedom This July Fourth with a Car Donation

Fourth of July is almost here.  And, while most of the country is celebrating a day off with bbq’s, pool parties, trips to the beach and family reunions, if you live in or close to Bristol, RI where the oldest 4th of July parade in the nation takes place, your life IS dictated by all things

Scrap Metal’s Domestic Economic Impact

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries recently completed an exhaustive economic impact report. The report shows that overall, when measuring the direct impact, and indirect impact of the scrap recycling industry: the industry generates over $105 billion annually in the U.S. and helps support more than 471,000 jobs nationwide currently. Among this, the export of


What is my VIN trying to tell me?

One of our amazing employees (Jenn Brennan) was kind enough to submit a blog post that we thought would be a very beneficial and educational post. It breaks down what a VIN actually is. Like an identification card, every car carries a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). From registration and purchasing insurance to maintenance and even donating

Palladium Follows Platinum Drop

Palladium prices dropped 15% this month, hitting a two-year low. Sources cite weak automotive demand in the U.S. and China – the automotive market accounts for 70% of annual consumption, used in catalytic converters. Mining has increased under the influence of a strong U.S. dollar, while demand has shrunk – this year’s demand is only

Nigerian Student Uses Scrap Metal to Create Wind and Solar Powered Vehicle

It’s amazing how properly recycling your vehicle at the end of its life-cycle, whether through car donation, or even deciding to junk a car can generate something so positive! Whether it’s assisting with getting some great nonprofits further funding, or efficiently recycling your vehicle, so that some brilliant individuals can utilize their visions to create something cool, and exciting!

Car Donation Wizard: Connecting Donors and Charities

Guest Blogger:  Amanda Nevitt At Car Donation Wizard we bring donors and charities together.  Every year we receive thousands of car donations from individuals who want to help their favorite cause.  We are experts at helping donors make a big impact by turning their donated cars into cash. In addition to individual cars, trucks, and

Getting Healthy, Getting Happy!

Rhode Island to central Venezuela… Miami to Oregon… San Francisco to central Pennsylvania… This past May we held a GET FIT CHALLENGE in the office and any one of those routes is how far our combined steps would take us if we walked in a straight line.  Together, 25 of us took more than 480,000